iCommunication (Pronunciation) : Units 1- 12


ASSIGNMENT ANSWER SUBMISSION FORM (*Please fill up all fields (boxes) marked with an asterisk (*) to send form successfully.)


 iCommunication (Pronunciation) Unit 1

First and foremost, a very warm welcome & Congratulations on commencing iCommunicate Pronunciation

Students are welcome to use the Assignment Answer Submission Form above or email to EnglishiExcel@gmail.com with Subject field entitled "Foundation Basics Week 2 (or whichever week it is)

iListen & iCommunicate

Please Click to watch EnglishiExcel's TED Education iChat & Discussion.

Then click on the menu to Think, Dig Deeper, Discuss & more. Have fun! 

Let's improve our Pronunciation by watching this Ted-Ed iLesson, answering the questions (in "Think" tab) and saving your answers:

(*Please note that you have to sign up and login to your Ted-Ed account on http://ed.ted.com (using your assigned eie.xxx gmail) to be able to save your answers before they can be reviewed and marked by your iTutor.)


iCommunication (Pronunciation) Unit 2

Stress & Rhythm

Please Click to watch EnglishiExcel's TED Education iChat & Discussion.

Then, complete the Questions in Think, Dig Deeper, Discuss & more. Have fun! 


FB.7 Part 1: Stress Rules Review

Please answer the FOUR Questions on Stress Rules and email your assignment entitled "Stress Rules" to englishiexcel@gmail.com

iCommunication (Pronunciation) Unit 3

'-ED' Verb Endings Pronunciation


iCommunication (Pronunciation) Unit 4

Improve Your Accent & Speak Clearly (IPA Introduction II)

iCommunication (Pronunciation) Unit 5

Pronunciation of  Vowels & Consonants: Introduction to the IPA III


iCommunication (Pronunciation) Unit 6

/i:/ Pronunciation How-to


iCommunication (Pronunciation) Unit 7

Vowels /u/ vs /u:/  Pronunciation


iCommunication (Pronunciation) Unit 8

Let's improve our Oral Communication by watching this Ted-Ed video, answering the questions (in "Think" tab) and saving your answers:

(*Please note that you have to sign up and login to your Ted-Ed account on http://ed.ted.com (using your assigned eie.xxx gmail) to be able to save your answers before they can be reviewed and marked by your iTutor.)




