Increase your Word Power so that your writing has additional flair and you can better understand  challenging Comprehension passages.

So Power-Up by Clicking on the iLessons Below:

1) Topic Area: Idioms


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Unit 1: Idioms: Weather

This video will help you learn and practice some new English idioms, including: - To feel under the weather - When it rains, it pours - Every cloud has a silver lining - Get wind - Come rain or shine - Have your head in the clouds - Lightning fast - Take a raincheck - Brighten up (your) day

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Unit 2: Idioms: Body

Learn these interesting idioms related to the body and spice up your writing and conversations as well as increase your understanding of the English language.

Unit 3: Idioms: Food

It may seem like the semicolon is struggling with an identity crisis. It looks like a comma crossed with a period. Maybe that’s why we toss these punctuation marks around like grammatical confetti; we’re confused about how to use them properly. Emma Bryce clarifies best practices for the semi-confusing semicolon.

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Unit 5: Idioms: Water

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Unit 4: Idioms: Holiday

Modifiers are words, phrases, and clauses that add information about other parts of a sentence—which is usually helpful. But when modifiers aren’t linked clearly enough to the words they’re actually referring to, they can create unintentional ambiguity. Emma Bryce navigates the sticky world of misplaced, dangling and squinting modifiers.

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Unit 6: Collocations, Phrasal Verbs, Idioms


2) Topic Area: Confusing Words/Collocations

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Unit 1: Confusing Words #1

Confusing Words: 1. Wish and Hope 2. Than Then 3. Who and Whom 4. Wander Wonder 5. Beside Besides 6. Lay Lie 7. In On 8. In Time On Time 9. Compliment Complement 10. Discreet Discrete 11. Altar Alter 12. Appraise Apprise 13. Moral and Morale 14. Principle Principal

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Unit 3: Confusing Words #3

Confusing Words: 1. Advise /advice 2. accept/except 3. Aloud / allowed 4. All together / altogether 5. Along / a long 6. Desert / dessert 7. Principal / principle 8. Complement / compliment

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Unit 2: Confusing Words #2

Confusing Words: 1. Principle and Principal 2. Appraise and Apprise 3. Altar And Alter 4. Super-Confusing Words 5. Discreet and Discrete 6. Compliment and Complement 7. Wish Or Hope 8. Wander and Wonder 9. Beside and Besides 10. Then and Than 11. Lay and Lie 12. Who and Whom 13. Travel Trip and Journey 14. Job Work Career 15. Dress, Get Dressed and Dress Up 16. Overview, Oversight and Overlook

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Unit 4: Confusing Words #4

Confusing Words: 1. raw & roar 2. bare & bear 3. there & their & they're 4. hear & here 5. flour & flower 6. which & witch 7. assistants & assistance


3) Topic Area: Synonyms/Antonyms
